Day 15: April 15
It was finished. Jesus was crucified. His permanent sacrifice would take the place of all the temporary sacrifices people had used for centuries as payment for their sins. The separation

Day 14: April 13
Over 1,400 years before Jesus was born, the people of Israel found themselves captive, serving as slaves in the mighty Egyptian Empire. After 400 years of this oppression, Moses was

Day 13: April 11
When Jesus was just days away from being crucified, he wanted his message to be clear. He was the Messiah, sent from God to show Israel and the rest of

Day 12: April 8
There are times when we all need (and sometimes get) a slice of humble pie—a reality check. We need the people closest to us to remind us: When the way

Day 11: April 6
Sometimes you want someone in your life to understand something so badly that you think of several different ways to tell them. Marketing experts say a message has to be

Day 10: April 4
Sometimes Jesus would say something that was hard to hear—something that would upset some people or at the very least cause them to rethink something they had originally thought. And

Day Nine: April 1
On more than one occasion, Jesus talked to his followers about worldly possessions. And on one occasion in particular, he hit the topic from a couple of angles. In Luke

Day Eight: March 30
You don’t have to tell anyone else your answers, but if someone were to ask you questions like: How many minutes do you think you’ve prayed during the last seven

Day Seven: March 28
In Luke 9, we read about something commonly called “the transfiguration.” Jesus and three of his disciples went up onto a mountain to pray, and something miraculous happened. Jesus’s physical

Day Six: March 25
It’s no secret that Jesus did much of his teaching in the form of parables. A parable is a fictional story with a spiritual lesson. And, typically, when Jesus told

Day Five: March 23
Imagine for a second that your friend is working as a server at a local restaurant. You know he’s working on a particular night, and you and a few others

Day Four: March 21
We don’t have many details about Jesus’s life before his public ministry began. Matthew and Luke give us some highlights surrounding Jesus’s birth, and Luke tells us a quick story

Day Three: March 18
The Jews had known for several thousand years that God promised to use Abraham and his descendants as influential people. Prophets for many generations foretold of a day Israel would

Day Two: March 16
In the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel, we get to eavesdrop on the angel Gabriel, who gives two birth announcements, in a sense, to two different sets of parents. And

Day One: March 14
If you asked the average church attendee or someone who is a little familiar with the Bible, “Who wrote most of the New Testament?” you’re usually going to get the