Twenty-one is a reading plan we created with the hope that it will help you connect with God and prepare your heart for Easter. We’re glad you’ve opted to join us on this journey and look forward to celebrating Easter with you!
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Day 17
What you see is what you get…right? The saying is more or about putting it all out on the table for someone else to see. Our eyes tell us so much about something or someone. We make decisions and determinations based on what our eyes tell us. Have you ever thought, though, that our eyes might need protecting?
No, you don’t need to wear goggles all day, but you do need some eye protection.
You need to keep some things away that can wreak havoc on your life and the entry point is located on your face. At least that’s what Jesus says. His follower Matthew records it like this:
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. ”
— MATTHEW 6:22
The eyes.
The eyes allow entry to our minds, which are connected to our hearts—the engines for our lives. Protect the eyes and you protect the heart. Protect the heart and your life will shine as it’s intended to shine. Let down your guard at the point of the eyes and your heart will be impacted. Darkness can enter. Darkness is blinding. It does damage. We stumble in the dark. Our lights can begin to dim . . . but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can guard our hearts by guarding our eyes.
How is your eye protection? Impenetrable? A few small cracks? Nonexistent? Has your light been fading as more darkness comes in through your eyes?
Is what you’re seeing starting to impact the way you’re living? Are you filling your eyes with light? Or darkness?
Get some friends. Share your goals. Admit your weaknesses. Shore up the protection. Get your eyes healthy again. Jesus said we’re the light of the world. We will struggle with that if we allow darkness to keep creeping in.