Middle School
Transit is our small group environment for sixth through eighth graders. Each week, middle school students experience high-energy worship, relevant teaching, and consistent small group interaction. Volunteers are needed in several areas with varying time commitments. Small Group Leaders are asked for three-year commitments with the goal of building relationships with the students by attending Sunday morning environments, small group outings, and church-sponsored retreats and camps. Volunteers are also needed to serve on flexible schedules with our Host and Production Teams.
Small Group Leader
Each Small Group Leader plays a key role in shaping the spiritual and social bonds that connect small group students. Ideally, two adult Small Group Leaders and a high school student leader connect with 15–18 students per group to build trusted relationships and celebrate spiritual growth. These friendships extend beyond Sunday mornings. Through Transit-sponsored events, independent group outings and regular communication, Small Group Leaders and students form an intimate community where trust is central. The small group experience is the cornerstone of our Middle School ministry.
Host Team
Have you ever walked into an environment where you didn’t know anyone? Perhaps you felt eager, but a little lost. Host Team members are excited to make every first impression of Transit a welcoming one. They greet each new student and family, guiding them through registration and easing the student into the thrill of large group worship. A Host Team member will also help ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and leaders by monitoring behavior during large group.
Production Team
Technical volunteers work behind the scenes to execute important elements for large group worship, including lyrics, videos, computer graphics, and more.