For Far too long the church has been known for what it’s against. We want to be known for what we are FOR.
We are FOR The Emerald Coast. That’s why each month we’re partnering with a non-profit that’s making a difference in our community and helping them go further, faster.
A Bed 4 Me Foundation provides beds to children who do not have adequate sleeping arrangements due to economic struggles and lack of financial resources as well as displaced families starting over due to domestic issues. These children are often sleeping on floors, couches, or crammed into beds with multiple siblings. Providing proper sleeping arrangements plays a critical role in development, health, academic performance, and self-esteem.
Children in Crisis is a community for children in the foster care system. They provide stable housing, loving house parents, and dedicated care for each child. Their approach is unique as they’ve developed a
neighborhood of houses specifically devoted to the care of their children.
Children in Crisis serves over 100 foster children each year.
“Transforming the lives of families and children.” Fresh Start’s primary focus is to help families achieve long-term self-sufficiency through a nine-month residential and educational program. Their Mission is to share love and compassion through a comprehensive educational, vocational, and economic housing program to help homeless families achieve self-sufficiency.
In our state, there are over 27,000 people experiencing homelessness. Not to mention the families that are having trouble just making ends meet. Opportunity Place is an amazing organization in our community that is making a difference by providing safe shelter, meals, and job training to end the cycle of homelessness along the Emerald Coast. Since 2008 Opportunity Place has served over 1,700 people.
Wright Elementary has 580 students, with over 75% of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch. At just over 40% Wright has one of the largest English language learner populations in the district. 14% of students have disabilities and 4% of students come from military families. The faculty and staff at Wright have to be both flexible and creative as the uniqueness of their student body requires making multiple adjustments, often on the fly, to ensure that each individual student’s needs are accommodated with fidelity.
Many families in our community find it difficult to afford even the essential school supplies needed to have a successful year. When students are in need of school supplies it causes significant challenges both academically and socially. Schools and teachers often purchase these items, sometimes out of pocket, for children. We’d like to help. That’s why we are collecting school supplies for Longwood Elementary and supporting teachers at Wright Elementary as they prepare for a new upcoming school year.
Food For Thought removes the negative impacts of hunger and empowers a child to get the most out of their education and development by providing them weekly access to healthy, easy-to-prepare meals. Students experiencing food insecurity do not learn and develop at the same rate of their peers – Food For Thought helps bridge that gap. They provide weekly food programs for 3,400 food-insecure students across 32 school locations along the Emerald Coast.
Pryor Middle School is intentional about mentorship with their students. Teachers and staff volunteer time to spend with at-risk students to ensure their success, not only academically but outside of school as well. Students participate in many special and intentional activities and events throughout the year. They’ve seen great success in improved student performance, attendance, and behavior resulting in model students as an example for the rest of the student body to follow.