Watch Messages

Easter 2022

People ultimately weren’t convinced to follow Jesus because of what he taught. They became convinced because of what they saw.

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Investigating Jesus

Christians are not expected to believe based solely on a collection of ancient manuscripts. The foundation of our faith is anchored to something far more substantial and sustainable.

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Did God Really Say?

It’s easy to blame misinformation on the Internet, media, or culture wars. But what if there’s an underlying internal belief that’s affecting how we receive the information in the first place?

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Paper Walls

Whether fueled by fear, insecurity, or a past event, many of us construct a paper wall of excuses that holds us back.

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Easter 2022

People ultimately weren’t convinced to follow Jesus because of what he taught. They became convinced because of what they saw.

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Investigating Jesus

Christians are not expected to believe based solely on a collection of ancient manuscripts. The foundation of our faith is anchored to something far more substantial and sustainable.

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Did God Really Say?

It’s easy to blame misinformation on the Internet, media, or culture wars. But what if there’s an underlying internal belief that’s affecting how we receive the information in the first

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Paper Walls

Whether fueled by fear, insecurity, or a past event, many of us construct a paper wall of excuses that holds us back.

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