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You’re Not the Boss of Me

I can’t believe I said that. Why did I do that? Where did that come from? Emotions can get the best of us. If we’re not careful, things like anger, lust, greed, fear, and envy can shape our actions much more than we want them to. Monitoring our behavior is not enough. We need to

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1. Real vs. Ideal

Ideal can seem out of reach, and it sometimes feels easier to put it out of sight. Part of being a parent is to point our children toward the ideal, while at the same time navigating what is real.

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1. Better Than True

When we hear good news, we lean in and hope it’s true—even before believing it. So if the message of Christianity is supposedly good, why don’t more people lean in? Perhaps we need to take a fresh look at this good news to see if our current version is in line with the original one.

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The Space Between Us

Andy Stanley interviews Sarah Anderson, author of The Space Between Us: How Jesus Teaches Us to Live Together When Politics and Religion Pull Us Apart.

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Leading Through

Leadership, however great or small, is stewardship of the temporary influence we have. When we view our leadership as something for which we are accountable, we will be far less likely to leverage it for ourselves.

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1. Real vs. Ideal

Ideal can seem out of reach, and it sometimes feels easier to put it out of sight. Part of being a parent is to point our children toward the ideal,

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1. Better Than True

When we hear good news, we lean in and hope it’s true—even before believing it. So if the message of Christianity is supposedly good, why don’t more people lean in?

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The Space Between Us

Andy Stanley interviews Sarah Anderson, author of The Space Between Us: How Jesus Teaches Us to Live Together When Politics and Religion Pull Us Apart.

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Leading Through

Leadership, however great or small, is stewardship of the temporary influence we have. When we view our leadership as something for which we are accountable, we will be far less

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