Watch Messages

Be Rich 2019

It’s one of our favorite times of the year: Be Rich. We’re uniting with churches across the globe to unleash a wave of generosity here and around the world. When we come together, when we’re generous, we can change our communities . . . and the world.

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The Bible for Grown-Ups

As children, many of us received a leather-bound book full of long words and difficult names we couldn’t pronounce. We were told everything in it was true and we should do our best to abide by its teachings. Then we grew up. What was oh-so-simple then is . . . well, it’s not simple. Perhaps

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Reclaiming Irresistible

Long before there were Christian Scriptures, there were Christians—men and women whose faith began with an empty tomb. These eyewitnesses to the resurrection experienced an event so extraordinary that it changed their lives and what they gave their lives to, forever. But now a generation is walking away from their faith as their confidence in

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Money Talks

If our money could talk what would it tell us? You might be shocked to find that what our money would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say – and what we should still consider today. Money Talks is a 3-week financial sermon series by Andy Stanley.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future

You can fix a dent in your car and it will look as good as new. You can upgrade a shattered phone and never think twice about the older model. But when it comes to personal problems—relational, financial, professional, or otherwise—there are no quick fixes or fresh starts. The memories, the lost potential, the hurt

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Be Rich 2019

It’s one of our favorite times of the year: Be Rich. We’re uniting with churches across the globe to unleash a wave of generosity here and around the world. When

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The Bible for Grown-Ups

As children, many of us received a leather-bound book full of long words and difficult names we couldn’t pronounce. We were told everything in it was true and we should

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Reclaiming Irresistible

Long before there were Christian Scriptures, there were Christians—men and women whose faith began with an empty tomb. These eyewitnesses to the resurrection experienced an event so extraordinary that it

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Money Talks

If our money could talk what would it tell us? You might be shocked to find that what our money would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say

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