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The Bad Boys of Easter

In the days and weeks preceding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, three men found their way into the story. Each refused to abandon his quest for control and surrender to the Savior of the world. How can we avoid the mistakes they made?

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Best Day Ever

Do you ever feel like your best days are behind you? There’s one simple thing we can do to make sure our #BestDayEver is yet to come. Join us this Sunday for a special message with our Lead Pastor, Shaun Ellis.

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Swipe Right

You can’t be who you were meant to be if you don’t know who you are. But how do you figure out who you were meant to be? Changing is hard. Especially when we try to make big changes by ourselves. We can’t get where we want to be without the help of others. If

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Address The Mess

Whether we’re religious or not, we’ve all made some messes along the way. We’ve all thought, My life is a mess. So, let’s talk about it.

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The New Year is full of possibilities that fuel potential for a better future. That’s why we make resolutions . . . even though those resolutions usually fall by the wayside. Here’s something simple you can do to make the most of 2017.

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The Bad Boys of Easter

In the days and weeks preceding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, three men found their way into the story. Each refused to abandon his quest for control and surrender

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Best Day Ever

Do you ever feel like your best days are behind you? There’s one simple thing we can do to make sure our #BestDayEver is yet to come. Join us this

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Swipe Right

You can’t be who you were meant to be if you don’t know who you are. But how do you figure out who you were meant to be? Changing is

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Address The Mess

Whether we’re religious or not, we’ve all made some messes along the way. We’ve all thought, My life is a mess. So, let’s talk about it.

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The New Year is full of possibilities that fuel potential for a better future. That’s why we make resolutions . . . even though those resolutions usually fall by the

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