Watch Messages

Killin’ It

There’s something that rises up in each of us. It keeps us from apologizing, admitting we’re wrong, or showing weakness. It keeps us from forgiving. It causes us to lie about our pasts, to cheat instead of lose, and to feel happy when someone else fails. It stands in the way not only of our

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Something For Everyone

We’re all tempted to think that obeying rules will put us in right relationship with God—if we do what he wants, he will accept us. But we find ourselves having to ask God for forgiveness over and over again. That’s because our heavenly Father’s rules aren’t designed to put us in good standing with God.

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God has given us the opportunity to create churches unchurched people love to attend. We’re about to do something unprecedented.

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Anything But Average

No one wants to be average. You don’t want to be an average spouse or parent. You don’t want to be an average boss or employee. You may not want to be extraordinary, but you probably want to stand apart from the crowd. You probably want to avoid the pitfalls you see in the lives

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In the Meantime

What do you do when there’s nothing you can do? What do you do when you have a problem that seems to have no solution? Your job, your marriage, or your life is stuck. You’re miles from ideal with no good options. What do you do?

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Killin’ It

There’s something that rises up in each of us. It keeps us from apologizing, admitting we’re wrong, or showing weakness. It keeps us from forgiving. It causes us to lie

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Something For Everyone

We’re all tempted to think that obeying rules will put us in right relationship with God—if we do what he wants, he will accept us. But we find ourselves having

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God has given us the opportunity to create churches unchurched people love to attend. We’re about to do something unprecedented.

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Anything But Average

No one wants to be average. You don’t want to be an average spouse or parent. You don’t want to be an average boss or employee. You may not want

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In the Meantime

What do you do when there’s nothing you can do? What do you do when you have a problem that seems to have no solution? Your job, your marriage, or

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