Watch Messages


Jesus invites everyone to follow him . . . especially unbelievers and misbehaviors.

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Lots of people all over the world appreciate, respect, and even follow the teachings of Jesus without believing he rose from the dead. But the people who recorded his story and teachings wouldn’t recommend that. Their message was clear: Jesus rose from the dead. He is Savior and Lord.

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Promises, Promises

Promises. Relationships are defined by them. We’ve all made promises..and broken some. Ever felt like God made you a promise? Or maybe broke one?

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Breathing Room

Deadlines… Traffic… Flights to catch… Bills to pay… Emails…Carpool…Tennis…Dinner…Homework… Ever feel like you can’t catch your breath? Perhaps you need some…[inhale]…breathing room…[exhale]. We all do. In our attempt to get the most out of life, it’s easy to lose control of our lives. For most of us, breathing room feels more like a luxury than

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Jesus invites everyone to follow him . . . especially unbelievers and misbehaviors.

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Lots of people all over the world appreciate, respect, and even follow the teachings of Jesus without believing he rose from the dead. But the people who recorded his story

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Promises, Promises

Promises. Relationships are defined by them. We’ve all made promises..and broken some. Ever felt like God made you a promise? Or maybe broke one?

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Breathing Room

Deadlines… Traffic… Flights to catch… Bills to pay… Emails…Carpool…Tennis…Dinner…Homework… Ever feel like you can’t catch your breath? Perhaps you need some…[inhale]…breathing room…[exhale]. We all do. In our attempt to get

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