Are your thoughts, ideologies, and actions in alignment with the way of Jesus? The way of Jesus is the only way to true life.
Why does Easter Matter? Because the resurrection of Jesus provides assurance that God is love and God loves you.
Forgiving someone before they ask for it isn’t easy, but it’s exactly what God did for us.
The church is God’s agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take the step from being just a consumer at the local church to being involved.
In order to maximize our potential and fulfill our mission as a church, everyone should serve somewhere.
Are your thoughts, ideologies, and actions in alignment with the way of Jesus? The way of Jesus is the only way to true life.
Why does Easter Matter? Because the resurrection of Jesus provides assurance that God is love and God loves you.
Forgiving someone before they ask for it isn’t easy, but it’s exactly what God did for us.
The church is God’s agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take the step from being just a consumer
In order to maximize our potential and fulfill our mission as a church, everyone should serve somewhere.