Do you sometimes wonder how anyone could believe Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead, and was seen? It was enough then. Maybe it’s still enough today.
Easter – 2017
by Brett
On Easter, we don’t celebrate a collection of teachings. We don’t celebrate an idea. We celebrate an event . . . an event in history that changed history.
The Bad Boys of Easter
by Brett
In the days and weeks preceding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, three men found their way into the story. Each refused to abandon his quest for control and surrender to the Savior of the world. How can we avoid the mistakes they made?
by Brett
In spite of some of the Christians you’ve met or done business with, in spite of revivals and scandals, in spite of how you view the Bible, and in spite of your church experience, you should consider putting your faith in Jesus as your Savior. Why? It has nothing to do with your personal experience and everything to do with history’s greatest mystery.
by Brett
Lots of people all over the world appreciate, respect, and even follow the teachings of Jesus without believing he rose from the dead. But the people who recorded his story and teachings wouldn’t recommend that. Their message was clear: Jesus rose from the dead. He is Savior and Lord.