Our church is a stewardship. It isn’t about us. To continue to be a church unchurched people love to attend, we need to be fully engaged. We are serious about transforming the local church in our city. We want to change the world by changing the church. How can you participate?
by Brett
Too often, the church doesn’t feel like a safe place for people who are far from God. They experience judgment and rejection. But that’s not what Jesus intended when he established his church. He meant for the church to be a magnet for the unchurched, a place where they could find reconciliation with God.
Ask It
by Brett
Every day brings new questions.
Should I stay? Should I go? Buy it? Sell it? Start it? Stop it?
Did you know there’s a question that makes it easy to determine the answer to all the other questions?
It’s true.
All you have to do is ask it!
My Bad Church Experience
by Brett
Have you ever had a bad church experience?
Did it drive you away or just drive you crazy?
You are not alone.
What are you FOR?
by Brett
What are you FOR? These three messages define exactly why we do what we do at Beachside.