Jesus commanded his followers not to do a few things. But his “not” commandments were so extreme his followers were tempted not to even try. And then, Jesus rose from the dead and everything changed.
In the Meantime
What do you do when there’s nothing you can do? What do you do when you have a problem that seems to have no solution? Your job, your marriage, or your life is stuck. You’re miles from ideal with no good options. What do you do?
Come & See
Do you know the feeling? The feeling when you attempt to convince people they have to try something you’ve experienced? An experience like you’ve never had before? And the more you try to explain, the more you realize some things are simply beyond explanation.
What are we talking about? Well, you’ll just have to . . . come and see.
by Brett
Are you ever afraid someone will ask you why you believe what you believe? Do you fear someone might question what you believe?
Responding to people’s questions and challenges can get complicated. But what if you were confident you had the answer to the most important question about your faith?
Choose to Lose
by Brett
Nobody likes to lose.
Whether it’s the big game or a little argument, if given the choice, you’d pick winning.
But what if the choice wasn’t that simple?
What if more hung in the balance than just winning?
by Brett
In spite of some of the Christians you’ve met or done business with, in spite of revivals and scandals, in spite of how you view the Bible, and in spite of your church experience, you should consider putting your faith in Jesus as your Savior. Why? It has nothing to do with your personal experience and everything to do with history’s greatest mystery.